Zhade Zuriet Anzaurovna
- Подробности
Просмотров: 6746
Date and place of birth |
29 September 1967, The Republic of Adygea, village Panahes |
Education |
1984-1989 - faculty of philosophy, Rostov State University; 1990-1994 - postgraduate study at the faculty of philosophy of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov; 2000-2003 - faculty of law of Adyghe state University; 2005-2007 - doctorate of the faculty of sociology and political science of the southern Federal University. |
Academic degree and title |
Doctor of political science, Professor |
Place of work and position |
Head of the Department of theory, history of state and law and political science, faculty of law, Adyghe State University; Head of the laboratory of ethno-cultural problems of the Institute of complex problems of ASU. |
Theme of doctoral dissertation, place and year of defense |
«Geopolitical identity of Russia in the conditions of globalization». Krasnodar, Kuban State University, 2007 |
Scientific specialty |
23.00.02 – Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies |
Stages of professional career |
1989-1990 - assistant Professor, Department of scientific communism, Adyghe state pedagogical Institute; 1990-1994 - post-graduate student of the faculty of philosophy of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov; 1994-2000 - associate Professor, Department of political science, Adyghe state University; 2000 – present - head of the Department of theory, history of state and law and political science of the faculty of law of Adyghe State University. |
Evidence of scientific and pedagogical recognition |
2005 diploma Of The State Council-Hase of the Republic of Adygea. 2011 diploma of the winner of the Russian society of sociologists publications competition in the category «Publications on research results». 2014 Honored worker of science of the Republic of Adygea. 2017 diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation. |
Membership in academies, public organizations |
Full member of the Academy of political science; Full member of the Academy of geopolitical problems; Chairman of the Adyghe regional branch of the Russian Association of political science (RAPN); Member of the expert Council of the Russian Association of political science (RAPN); Member of the RAPN research Committee on political identity; Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Adygea. |
Membership in editorial boards of journals |
«Bulletin of Adyghe state University. Series «regional Studies: philosophy, history, sociology, law, political science, cultural studies» (Maikop), «South Russian journal of social Sciences» (Krasnodar), «Society: politics, Economics, law» (Krasnodar), «Social and humanitarian Bulletin of the South of Russia» (Krasnodar), «Theory and problems of political research» (Moscow). |
Main publication |
1. Lyausheva S., Karabulatova I., Zhade Z., Ilyinova N. Interaction of the Russian Islamic Ummah with ISIS: the problem of promoting Islamic radicalism in communities and Turkic-speaking regions of Russia // Central Asia and the Caucasus. – 2018. – Volume 21. – Issue 1. - P. 97-104. 2. Hunagov R., Lyausheva S., Shadzhe A., Zhade Z. Modern ethnopolitical conflicts in the North Caucasus // Central Asia and the Caucasus. – 2017. – Volume 20. – Issue 3. - P. 7-15. 3. Ways of regulation of ethnosocial processes in the region: collective monograph. – Maikop: publishing house of ASU, 2017. 4. Empirical studies of ethnosocial processes in the South of Russia: a collective monograph. - Maykop: "Sign", 2016. 5. Chadje A., Karabulatova I., Khunagov R., Zhade Z. ethno-political dominance in the regulation of public security in the border area of the countries of the Caucasus-Caspian region // Central Asia and the Caucasus. – 2016. - Volume 19. – Issue 3. - P. 73-82. 6. Kovalev V. V., Serikov A. V., Nagoy A. A., Zhade Z. A., Goloborod'ko A. Y The problem of loss of the dialogue form of interaction between state and society as a threat to social stability // Man in India. – 2016. – Volume 96. – Issue 7. - P. 2087-2098. 7. Lyausheva S., Khunagov R., Zhade Z., Chadje A. he Factor of inter-ethnic tensions in southern Russia in expert estimates // Central Asia and the Caucasus. – 2016. - Volume 19. – Issue 3. - P. 109-114. 8. Zhade Z., Shadzhe A., Lyausheva S., Ilyinova N. Dynamics of ethnosocial processes in the modern Caucasus in the mirror of expert assessments: on the example of the Republic of Adygea // Central Asia and the Caucasus. – 2016. - Volume 19. – Issue 3. - P. 140-148. 9. Ethno-social processes: the regional dimension: the collective monograph / ed. by R. D. khunagov. - Maikop: Quality, 2015. 10. National identity in the North Caucasian society: the search for ways of strengthening: the collective monograph / Under the General editorship of Chadje, E. S. Kukwa. – M: RFO. – Maikop: publishing house of ASU, 2015. 11. The Kurds of Adyghea: the collective monograph / Chapter. edited by A. N. Sokolov. - Maikop: Quality, 2015. 12. Interethnic and religious relations in the southern Federal district. Expert report / Ed. ed. V.A. Tishkova, L L. Khoperskaya, V V. Stepanova: collective monograph. – Moscow: IEA ran – Rostov-n/D.: SFU, 2013. 13. Zhade Z.A., Kukva E.S., Lyausheva S.A., Shadzhe A.Yu. Russian identity in the North Caucasus: collective monograph. – M.: Socio-humanitarian knowledge – Maykop: Quality, 2010. 14. Jade Z. A. Vectors of geopolitical identity. - Maikop: Quality, 2007. 15. Multi-level identity / collective monograph / Zhade Z.A., Kukwa E.S., S.A. Lyausheva, Chadje A.Y. – Maykop: Quality, 2006. Author of a number of educational and methodological developments and more than 380 scientific articles. |
Current research activities |
Under the guidance of Professor Z. A. Zhade defended 16 theses for the degree of candidate of Sciences. |
Participation in research projects |
Projects of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation: «Cultural and identification processes in the North Caucasus in the context of globalization» «Interaction of constitutional values and human rights in the process of formation of political and legal identity of Russians» «Cultural identification in the North Caucasus in the context of Russia's modernization» «The network landscape of Russian public policy: problems of development and security» «Monitoring of inter-ethnic relations and religious situation in the southern Federal district» «Strengthening of Russian identity in the North Caucasus in the context of socio-cultural risks». The grant of RGNF «Social and cultural adaptation of Kurds in the Republic of Adygea and forecasting of the development of ethnic groups». RPF grant «Ethno-social processes and interethnic tensions in the South of Russia: improving analytical tools and methods of regulation». Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of the leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation «Islam in the regional socio-cultural space of Russia: diagnostics of the state and transformations (on the example of the Republic of Adygea)». |
Research interests |
Transformation of multi-level identity in the modern world; Geopolitical world order, worldview and attitude; Russia's geopolitical identity; Ethno-social processes and interethnic tensions in the South of Russia; Islam in the regional socio-cultural space of Russia: diagnosis of the state and transformations (on the example of the Republic of Adygea). |
Contact information |
385000, Maikop, Krasnooktyabr'skaya str., 24, 7 sq. Tel.: 8-918-319-08-68 E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. |