Contents №3-2015
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Guseynov A.Sh., Fomenko G.Yu., Ryabikina Z.I. P.6-21
Abstract: An integral phenomenon of protest activity of personality is conceptualized in the context of methodology of the subject. The contribution of the author’s (A. Sh. Guseynov) conception of protest activity of personality is enunciated. Protest activity of personality is considered as a process aimed at restructuring the external (micro- and macrosociety) in accordance with the specificity of personal identity in the concrete historical contradictions. A typology of forms of protest activity of personality: destructive (negation, nihilism, escapism, opposition) and constructive (ultimate escapism, emancipation) is proposed in the context of the subject-existential approach. These forms are analyzed as modes of being of personality that took shape in specific socio-historical conditions as a result of a process of existential personal identity and the subjective activity of personality. It is proved that personalities as subjects of protest activity are differentiated by scale and specificity of existential contradictions, a degree of constructiveness of their resolution. Destructive and positive aspects of the protest activity of personality are offered to analyze from a perspective of false/true subjectivity, authenticity/ inauthenticity of being.
Key words: protest activity of personality, subjective-existential approach, existential contradictions, existential personal identity, false and true subjectivity, authenticity and inauthenticity of being, modes of existence of personality.
Savchenko S.V. P.22-33
Abstract: The article presents the results of research of communicative characteristics of students mathematicians.
Important component of professional success in the modern world is the complex personal resource of the expert providing effective communication. Communicative competence is the essential factor defining ability of the personality to a public statement, discussion, negotiating, permissions of the production conflicts, etc.
In the course of research features of a level of development of communicative competence at students-mathematicians are revealed (this specialty is a profession of signonomical type according to E. A. Klimov’s classification). Skill to communicate level, empathy, strateg y of psychological protection in communication and predisposition to conflict behavior of 63 students mathematicians of the Kuban state university were studied.
The hypothesis that there are distinctions in features of communicative competence of students mathematicians of the first and last courses of higher education institution was con-firmed. It appeared that students of a final year have lower indicators of skill to communicate and empathy in comparison with pupils of the first course. In the course of training decline in the ability to partnership and cooperation, abilities to go on compromises is observed. At the same time aggression level increases, the feeling of threat for subject reality of students in the course of professional formation amplifies.
The general tendencies in features of communicative competence are revealed. For students mathematicians the leading strategy of protection in communication is avoiding, protection the subject reality by economy of intellectual and emotional resources. The competition which is poorly expressed at all students mathematicians has low positive dynamics throughout training, but doesn’t reach high level by the time of the end of training.
Key words: communicative competence, signonomical type of a profession, competence.
Khlyscheva E.V. P.34-49
Abstract: This article is devoted to a problem of cross-cultural interaction of modern societies. The purpose of this article is to establish the reasons of productive functioning of the modern myth in various forms and cultural artifacts among which we must distinguish the definition mechanism “our-stranger”, closely connected with the ideology of consumer society. The main objective of the article is to designate the new relation to space and the world, using the heterotopy approach, which breaks habitual stereotypes and designs the complete space, allowing to explain both the mythological, and real worlds at the same time.
Such approach seems necessary owing to stability of structural elements of myth and their inclusiveness in all fields of person’s activity in modern cultural space. Especially visually mythological stereotypes are reproduced in cross-cultural communication, mentioning all levels of communication: from professional to the ordinary. The foundation of such interaction lies in accurate distinction “our” and “stranger”, that doesn’t correspond to the changing sociocultural conditions when powerful migratory streams push together cultures among themselves.
Now the culture of consumption starts to play adaptation function, but in it we can also see borders between “our” and “stranger” through consumer practicians. And updating of the dominating cultural code happens to the help of mythemes.
In modern society heterotopy is shown in a multi-vector orientation of a dichotomy “our” and “stranger”. Mentioning individual depths of consciousness, myth puts certain behavior models, creating steady stereotypes of distinction.
Conclusions of this article are confirmed with the sociological researches which allowed to reveal features of perception of information and degree of mythologization of consciousness of the people belonging to different ethnoconfessional groups and social levels.
Key words: heterotopia, “our–stranger”, consumer society, mytheme, myth consciousness, stereotype, simulacrum.
Tereshina M.V., Onischenko M.V. P.50-74
Abstract: The authors define “green” economy as one of the strongest vectors of social and economic development and important factor of making political decisions both at the level of individual states and governments, and at the level of the world as a whole. The article presents a detailed analysis of “barriers” appearing in the transition to the “green” rails of development and de-fines their political and administrative nature. Among the main political and administrative barriers of “green” growth in the Russian Federation the authors specify a high degree of bureaucratization of the system of decisions making and implementation, lobbyism of interests of large corporations, which are willing to preserve the existing system and are not interested in transition to «green» economy, inertial pressing of the existing raw materials oriented mod-el of development, incoherence of making strategically essential administrative decisions for developing “green” economy, regulatory “lacoons” in legislation on “green” economy, underdevelopment of assessment mechanisms for natural capital, as well as the instruments to estimate the overall economic loss resulting from negative impact on the environment, deficit of expert and analytical data for making justified decisions in the sphere of long-term transition to “green” development and domination of the culture of environmental optimism in modern Russian society. It is reasonable that principal efforts of the state as the main actor in the policy of “green” economy development must be focused on breaking down the existing traditional economic model, oriented toward export and raw materials, as well as toward the development of the civil society that will result in creation of new outlines of the economy based on the principles of “green” growth.
Key words: “green” economy, “green” growth, political and administrative barriers of development, export- and raw materials-oriented economic model.
Sokolov A.V. P.75-89
Abstract: This article was prepared within the framework of a study funded by the grant of Russian Foundation for Humanities № 14 –33–01241 “Civic cooperation in modern Russia: the forms, mechanisms and results”.
Crowdsourcing gives authorities the opportunity to create a specific channel of communication with the public. The object of the study were the federal programs “Open Region” and “e-government”.
The advent of platforms through which citizens can coordinate their activities and ex-change opinions, become an indispensable resource for NGOs, entrepreneurs and civil servants. Organizers and creators of this sites need to accumulate all the information and organize it.
Such practices collect around itself general public and can not be ignored by the authorities. It is an opportunity for the population not only to express their civic position and to find like-minded people, but also to feel involvement in the political processes taking place at the federal and regional levels. In some cases the solution of controversial situations can be without intervention of the authorities, citizens` co-operation through network communications can achieve significant results on their own.
The aim of the article is to analyze the implementation of these programs in the Russian Federation on an example of Khabarovsk Krai, Ulyanovsk region, Tula region, Murmansk region.
The research analyzed the functioning of the established in these regions information portals, including such criteria as the availability of feedback, completeness of information, the frequency of updates, etc.
Results of research show that the implementation of the projects at the regional level de-pends on the position of the authorities, theirs willingness to establish communicative interaction with citizens.
The number of participants from the population increases when online portal is functional and user-friendly. The result of the organization of the feedback and publication of results of activity could be effective communicative interaction at the level of authority-society.
Key words: Internet, crowdsourcing, “Open Region”, e-government, civic engagement.
Tezadova D.A. P.90-106
Abstract: This article was prepared by the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the state support of young Russian scientists — candidate of science project number MK-6036.2014.6 “Strategy and technology cooperation of the family and the state in the emerging postinformational society”.
In this article, the author examines the conceptual understanding of the social functions of the state, theories, practices and models of social policy. Analyzes the structural characteristics and problematic aspects of these models of state social policy as a monetarist model; paternalistic model; model of the welfare state. Studied the typology of welfare states from the perspective of such categories of analysis the concept of social support. Prism of social support has allowed the author to highlight the difference of modern welfare states based on care for children and the elderly, the basis of the contribution of sectors of civil society in the care and concern for citizens, the degree of privatization and collectivization of these social services. Considered the transition from family solidarity in the provision of care and the care of family members towards the marketization of social services of state institutions in the field of social support. Studied modern social policies in Europe: the dynamics of expenditures on social policy; program for the protection of family income; minimum standard of living for people with disabilities and people who have completely lost the ability to work; social benefits for able-bodied, but not having any income citizens; financial support for elderly and sick people; social benefits for children and women on maternity leave; social support single-parent families. For consideration of a modern model of social policy in the Russian Federation reassessed the results of social policy in the Soviet Union and the current state is determined by the successive review of changes in the legislative, financial and institutional support of the Russian social policy. Among the disadvantages of the existing model of social policy in the Russian Federation referred to the vagueness of migration policy, the unresolved institutional modernization of the social system, fragmented and incomplete reform of the social sphere, and the fact that any review of the state social obligations rests on the budgetary and political and administrative constraints.
Key words: models of social policy, welfare state, problems and reforms in the social sphere, social support.
Zhdanovskij A.M., Nekrasov S.D. P.107-125
Abstract: Based on the continuation of the studies (Zhdanovskij, Nekrasov, 2013) of personal cues of the first-year student enrolled on two different courses (State and Municipal Administration (SMA) and Psychology), the article considers the issues of students’ professional self-consciousness development that are connected with personal orientation towards professional activity.
A modified questionnaire “Objectives of entering the university” and methods “Values of SMA manager qualification” were used for the research; a questionnaire “Personal biography”, methods “Values of education on the chosen course” and a structured interview “Plans for the future” were developed.
Three types of personal cues for professional activity were identified in the first-year students’ self-consciousness. They were cues to develop professional skills, cues to obtain knowledge on the profession and cues to study from session to session at a prestigious faculty.
Defining leading types of first-year students’ personal cues with implementation of nominal methods can provide for division of students into profile groups to teach them basis of research activities.
There are peculiarities of students’ personal cues pertaining to SMA and Psychology courses that are related to the time of graduation from school and enrollment to university, type of parents’ professions of a student; student’s plans on future residence after graduation from the university; plans on starting a family and having children.
Defining of students’ cues for professional activity pertaining to different courses with implementation of nominal methods can provide for taking into consideration students’ personal characteristics while arranging support to their making as professionals and development of specialists’ social and personal characteristics.
The presence of relatively stable percentage of enrollees, who make a conscious choice of psychology as their future profession at school, permits, on the one hand, to carry out search of relevant higher education courses. On the other hand, it allows taking into account presence of definite professions that are chosen consciously by schoolchildren when career guidance and, possibly, pre-professional training of future specialists are organized.
Key words: student’s professional self-consciousness, main objectives of training, values of professional education, student’s personal cues, conscious choice of profession, peculiarities of students’ personal cues for professional activity pertaining to a separate area of studies.
Baranov A.V. P.126-131
Review of the book: Prokhorenko I. L. Prostranst vennyj podhod v issledovanii mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij [Spatial Approach in International Relations Studies]. M.: IMEMO RAN, 2015, 111 p.
Gajnutdinova E.V. P.132-137
Book review for The Elitology of Myth by P. L. Karabushhenko. Astrakhan: ASU, 2008. 322 p.