Contents №1-2016
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Znakov V.V. pp.6-25
Abstract: The article proves that a human exists in various realities at the same time — empirical, sociocultural and existential ones — and understands them on different psychological bases. There is described the content of such a construct as "understanding of the world of a human". Psychological analysis of understanding of sociocultural reality events and situations was carried out. It is reasonably believed that such a reality does not exist beyond people’s understanding of it and every description of sociocultural reality is its element at the same time. When understanding, creating the meanings of propositions, arguments, opinions, emerging while communication, people create reality. If there is no understanding, there is no sociocultural reality. This reality is derived from consciousness and mind of those, who perceive and comprehend it. The article describes the essence of sociocultural approach in socio-humanistic sciences. It is shown that in XXI century socio-humanistic sciences underwent radical changes in scientific beliefs on sociocultural reality nature, three mainstreams of the changes were distinguished: 1) rethinking of symbols role in understanding any reality, particularly virtual environment; 2) replacement of the logics of rationally organized world of a human with net-work structure; 3) formation of "self-generation culture", which highlights self-cognition and self-concern phenomenon as new key points.
Key words: understanding, the world of a human, sociocultural reality, knowledge network organization, self-presentations multiplicity.
Sergienko E.A., Melehin A.I. pp.26-41
Abstract: The analysis of foreign and own studies Theory of Mind — the ability to understand the mental states of their own and the other person in elderly people. It is shown that the mental model (theory of mind) is a new paradigm of cognitive psychology, effective for the analysis of late ontogeny. This paradigm has own specific and differs from the paradigm of social cognition. The Theory of Mind is aimed at studying the mental understanding and conceptualization of their mental states and others. Social cognition acts as a condition of human interaction in the group where the account of individual sets, habits and causal attributions becomes the basis of interaction. It argued the hypothesis that the Theory of Mind is the mental mechanism of social cognition, differentiated features of these paradigms. In elderly persons there is a deficit of Theory of Mind that affect the socio-emotional functioning. Changes in mental models in late ontogenesis are not totally, they are selective. Generalization of researches cognitive and affective components Theory of Mind in elderly and senile age have shown the heterogeneity. This is expressed in the ability to understand the mental world with a greater degree of safety of the emotional component. There are also compensatory mechanisms: crystallized intelligence, emotional intelligence and interpersonal understanding, which play an important role in the mental status of elderly people. The factors affecting the efficiency of Theory of Mind in elderly and senile age were systematized. Methodological factors related to the type of tasks and the methods of analysis of Theory of Mind in elderly and old people. Neuroanatomical factors describe the changes taking place in the structure and functions of the brain and compensatory mechanisms that influence their effectiveness. By somatic factors include the presence of diseases that affect mental activity. Among the most significant cognitive changes are executive functions, acting safety predictors of cognitive component of mind. Significant psychosocial factors affecting the mental capacity to understand the world, become the perception of the future, loneliness, social avoidance, the availability of social sup-port. We describe the strategy of psychotherapeutic influence, enhances Theory of Mind in elderly and senile age.
Key words: theory of mind, elderly age, senile age, the heterogeneity changes cognitive component theory of mind, affective component theory of mind, factors theory of mind, development strategies.
Kharlamenkova N.E. pp.42-56
Abstract: The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research of high intensity stressors influence on human and the psychological effects of this influene — the post-traumatic stress. It was assumed that the highest level of post-traumatic stress occurs when there are the events presenting an immediate threat to human life, man-made hazards — physical and sexual abuse, as well as accidents and injuries, dangerous illnesses. Empirical research, which was carried out with Life Experience Questionnaire (LEQ) in sample of 187 Ss was found that regardless of age intensive post-traumatic stress (PTS) occurs on the emotional abuse and neglect, as well as on the news of dangerous illnesses, sudden death of a loved person. Age differences in people's vulnerability to the high intensity stressors influence were found in higher PTS on the threat of economic need and deprivation in middle age and in high PTS on dangerous disease in older age.
Gender and age differences are revealed in increase of the PTS level at middle age women on an emotional abuse and neglect, and at men — on news of a sudden illness or death of the loved one. Intensive PTS of older women arises owing to influence of a situation of interaction with the loved one having emotional violations, and at men — as a result of loss of the spouse or the child. Regardless of age the PTS high level at women is a remote consequence of an emotional abuse and neglect, and at men — on situations of an illness and death of close people that con-firms existence of specifics in personality developments of men and women. On the basis of the results it was determined the practical significance of the study.
Key words: traumatic event, posttraumatic stress, vulnerability, physical and emotional abuse, middle and older age.
Pereselkova Z.Y., Inshakov V.V. pp.57-72
Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of motivation within sociology with an explanatory model of the theor y of interaction ritual R. Collins. The relevance of the topic chosen is justified by the continuing dependence of the sociology of psychological theories of motivation, in this connection, the purpose of the study is to describe and study the effectiveness of a sociological approach to the analysis of labor relations in terms of their impact on the labor motivation of employees. The authors analyzed the relation of general sociological theories to the problems of motivation (exchange theory, symbolic interactionism, ethnomethodology, the psychoanalytic model of personality), highlighted their conceptual foundation. The theory of motivation G. Turner, based on an eclectic mix of all measurable reduction (for motivation purposes of analysis) sociological theories, indicated its lack of attempts of this theoretical "synthesis". In this connection, the authors it substantiates the idea of the possibility of using the theory of interaction ritual R. Collins as a general theory of motivation that can explain the whole range of work of the individual — from the daily nonreflexive routine to extremely concerned and active work. It is proved that one of the factors that determine the labor behavior of the individual is the need for material security rituals interactions. The possibilities of justification from the point of view of the theory of interaction rituals of motivation technicians. Substantiates the validity of the theory of interactional rituals based on empirical studies N. Rothbard, conducted in groups of two projects (Shield and Gateway) Fortune 500 companies (TechCo), software development, and also among employees of call centers.
Key words: labor motivation, interaction ritual theory, emotional energy (EE), EE-seeker, rituals, interaction rituals market, social action.
Örkény A., Székelyi M. pp.73-95
Abstract: The analysis is based on an empirical sociological study aimed at exploring the various aspects of people’s diaspora affiliations and their ethnic and national identity on the Eastern borderland of Europe. We survey ethnic minority groups in eight countries along the frontier of CEE. With similar ethnic status along the border we demonstrated how ethnic minorities «deal» with their minority status in their «host» country if their home country serves as a place of residence. The analysis reconstructs the image of the ethnic minority at the societal level. We model personal and collective ethnic identities as a stock of knowledge based on cognitive and affective components, and test them along the different ethnic dyads. We will analyze how successive generations are able to transfer the pattern of ethnic identity within the family, and also, how language use practices and personal network plays a role in preserving personal ethnic identity.
Key words: ethnic identity, borderland, diaspora, Eastern Europe, ethnic dyad, national consciousness.
Vovkodav P.A. pp.96-113
Abstract: This article covers the issue of evolution of citizenship in the United Kingdom as well as its role in social and political structure of British society. It also shows the importance of understanding why re-establishing of the very notion of citizenship is crucial for successful development of the country. Moreover, citizenship depreciates as a source of individual rights due to an extremely diverse mixture of ethnic, cultural and religious identities. The British case allows to assess how and why citizenship status has acquired a solely normative, legal meaning. The latter seriously complicate usage of citizenship as a foundation that serves to consolidate society. The discourse has been seriously affected by views of J. Rawls, A. Giddens and J. Habermas whose works modeled views on relationship between host society and immigrated minorities. Further development of their universalistic approach lead social and political discussion nearly to a dead end, and seriously limited a chance to successfully adopt a solid integration strategy. At the same time, the analysis shows why political parties and government organizations could not accommodate new points of view on immigration and integration of immigrants policies within last three decades. The study demonstrates how contemporary is-sues of British identity become a matter of entirely practical policies that shape multicultural society. This kind of evaluation can improve not only our understanding of current state of the society, but also allows to see its future perspectives.
Key words: Britain, citizenship, multiculturalism, liberalism, integration of immigrants policy, immigration policy, identity, political parties, immigration laws.
Rusakov S.S. pp.114-126
Abstract: This article is devoted to the key problems, concerning the concept of political power, de-signed by Michel Foucault. The main idea is that Foucault in his work outlined some features of three-level system of govenmentality, that is inherent in political power. However, all these levels of governmentality or, in general, levels of power, have appeared in different historical periods and have been imposed on each other and, in parallel with this, have created a huge complex of power strategies. In the epoch of establishment of state-nation was a sovereign power, at the top of the modern period it was disciplinary power that had its advanced development, but for nowadays western society and state government biopolitics more inherent. These 3 types of controlling of people in their cooperation formulate the foucauldian concept of so-called “govenmentality”. It is emphasized that all three types of power have some theoretical foundation that directly influences its further development. The most important source for creating of this three-level system of power is the course of lectures “Society must be de-fended”, but still separated concepts can be found in some other researches of Michel Foucault. In general, this three-level system of understanding of power can be applied as methodology for power relations researches in modern world, particularly in the cases when traditional concepts of power are not able to find regulative functions of power, that are very typical for biopolitics, or disciplinary mechanisms, that are not peculiar to traditional approach in analysis of power.
Key words: power, sovereign, disciplinary power, biopower, state, normalization.
Kharina O.A. pp.127-135
Abstract: The article is the theoretical analysis of the practical actions of two increasing the power states — India and China. The basic tenets of structural realism are taken as the basis, and the situation in Nepal is a specific example of their struggle for influence. Nepal is the epitome of a small and weak state which is sandwiched between two powerful neighbors and forced to act as a field of struggle for their influence. This paper investigates the causes of the behavior of two major states as well as the specific geopolitical and economic plight of Nepal. The recent tragedy — the earthquake in 2015 — in the state was a striking example of the diplomatic game and building a qualitatively new relationship between Nepal and China and Nepal and India. In this context the topic of the struggle for natural resources has a special place. It concerns pure drinking water and related with it hydroelectric complex. In this context it affects the deployment of India and China competing projects to develop resources in the country. The analysis of different factors allows making a prediction of the development in relations between India and China and helps to assume what kind of conversion will take place in the region as a whole. The policy of "soft power" is equally important because it allows competitors to promote their interests without military pressure, but reflects the real confrontation of interests.
Keywords: Balance of power, conflict relations, a struggle for influence, South Asia, Nepal.