Contents №4-2015
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Morozova E.V., Miroshnichenko I.V., Ryabchenko N.A. P.6-26
Abstract: In the authors’ opinion the wide spread occurrence of political institutions and their various qualitative characteristics make the issue of the political hybrids typologization urgent. During the hybridization the institutions not only reproduce the basic features of the “parental institutions”, but also acquire new characteristics. Integration and analysis of the empiric material enabled to see how different the initial parts united in the hybrids are. The article substantiates four types of hybrid political institutions. The first of them is characterized by uniting features of institutions belonging to two or more different ideal and typical models; the authors place hybrid states and political regimes here. The second type hybrids combine features of a certain political institution de jure and of another political or social institution de facto, they are presented in the article by antiestablishment parties. The third and forth types relate to the formation of a new political reality — network public policy, which is an uncompleted project of nonlinear development. The third type is the hybridity, caused by institutionalization of new actors of public policy in online and offline spaces. The forth type is based on the functional integration of different organizational forms. Heterarchies are an integration of hierarchy and network structures. The list of the hybrid political institutions considered by the authors is not complete. The scientific understanding of the modern political institutions hybridity faces two main problems: search of an adequate methodology enclosing all the empiric measurements of “hybridity” in modern political reality, and estimation of the role of political institutions hybridization in the transformation of political systems and space of the public policy. Whether the hybridity has become a stable and long-term model of development of the modern political institutions is still an open question.
Key words: hybridity, hybrid political institutions, atypicality in politics, hybrid states, hybrid regimes, hybrid parties, social networks, heterarchies.
Shlapeko E.А. P.27-38
Abstract: Trans-border cooperation in Northern Europe is characterized by high level of institutionalization appeared due to the integration processes. The network of organizations supports cooperation and renders financial assistance for the implementation of joint initiatives and promotes specific system of values. The work considers instruments and trends of trans-border cooperation development among Russian and European regions aimed at constructing regional identity.
The European Union and countries of Northern Europe provide various opportunities for the development of border territories, involving Russian regions into international cooperation. The author has defined 3 stages of the EU-Russian integration, connected with the implementation of interregional cooperation programs. The programs analyses identified their focus on promotion of European models and standards. Project mechanism of international cooperation has proved to be successful in Europe. Participation in projects creates competitive advantages and opportunities to promote local initiatives, use foreign experience and at-tract additional funding.
Inclusion of Russia into regional partnerships gives special value to the regionalization process in Northern Europe. Ecological, cultural, space planning issues formulate modern agenda and reflect priorities of Nordic regional development as well as their influence on trans-border cooperation in general. Progressive development of cooperation in the region leads to the consolidation of local communities and transformation of cooperation forms from sister-cities relations to new institutional entities.
Key words: regional identity, trans-border cooperation, integration, Northern Europe, EU, Russia.
Marmilova E.P. P.39-48
Abstract: The article considers the issue of elections state funding influence on the electoral process through India’s example, in the framework of development of a new governance conception in the field of elections state funding. The issue of finances in politics is not just a theoretical debate, but an actual problem, which affects the electoral process in India.
The purpose of the article is to consider the issue of elections state funding influence on the electoral process through India’s example. In order to achieve this purpose it is necessary to attain the following objectives: 1) to identify the problems of electoral process financing in India; 2) to consider the laws, regulating state spending during elections; 3) to define possible changes and trends of legislative frameworks of electoral campaigns funding in India. In the article there were applied comparative legal method, systematic and historical legal methods of scientific research. It is indisputable that financial dominance also means electoral advantage, therefore rich candidates and parties have a better chance for positive elections result. The author concludes that today Indian government considers the issue on implementation of electoral campaigns state funding as a way to provide fair elections.
Full elections state funding in India seems to be impossible due the difficult economic conditions. Particularly a subsidy is the best way to provide fair and democratic elections and to increase people’s trust in electoral process.
Key words: electoral process, electoral reform, elections state funding.
Sadilova A.V. P.49-59
Abstract: Nowadays the topic of the civic activism of population and the application of net resources for the sake of public-political activity encouragement is becoming more acute. Under Russian political system conditions civic initiatives often lack the realization opportunities with activists themselves being limited in their resources and power influence mechanisms. However, the Internet (Net) development made for the new communication and the state influence channel obtaining. The rapid progress in civic initiatives and projects in the Net entailed political institutions being included into the net space with the specific electronic platforms creation.
At present time Russian state actors vigorously use network space to achieve their political tasks as well as to increase the level of civic engagement and involvement into the urgent problem solutions via different Internet projects and platforms. The author emphasizes the shift from large federal projects to the tendency of similar network practices actualization on the level of local communities (regional, municipal, etc). The article considers the key aspects of new civic-political practices of the subnational level (introducing specific examples) together with their influence on the local civic activists formation. In addition to this the author provides their own vision on the mentioned-above practices classification and the imperative rules of their implementing. Thepotentialofproactivenetplatformsisbeinganalyzed.
As the author sees it, the situation under which the territorial representatives participate in the state and local Internet projects and create their own deliberative platforms can quite become the basis for the meaningful and tight dialogue generating, civic engagement enforcing and political apathy inside the Russian Federation overcoming.
Key words: the Internet activism practices, network civic-political practices, deliberative plat-forms, local communities, civic activists.
Glukhova A.V. P.60-76
Abstract: The article is dedicated to new risks which were caused by the globalization and to identity bases of contemporary political conflicts. The author gives viewpoints of well-known scientists concerning the main cleavage that determines a contemporary global conflict as a conflict between fundamentalism and cosmopolitan tolerance (A. Hiddens), between extreme nationalism (fascism) and pluralism of civil society (R. Dahrendorf ), and between liberal and fundamentally illiberal order (S. Huntington). It is noted that in different regions of the world, the role of right and left populism is increasing. The global main cleavage resonates into regional and national “domains”, thus causing confrontation between modern and archaic, democracy and different types of authoritarianism, openness to the outside world and autarky (self-sufficiency mode). The conservatism strategy that was chosen by some ruling elites could be efficient in terms of tactics as it allows to achieve social consolidation on the basis of pre-serving uniqueness and traditional values supported by the population at large that is in fear of uncertain future and destabilization risks. However, in terms of strategy it can lead to a great loss and inefficient waste of human, material and time recourses that are irreplaceable in the current global environment.
Key words: globalization, risk, global political conflict, main cleavage, fundamentalism, cosmopolitan tolerance, liberal order.
Csepeli G., Prazsák G. P.77-101
Abstract: The paper will deal with the distal and proximal processes resulting in the conflicts stemming from the transition to market economy and liberal democracy in Hungary between 1989 and 2010. Discussing the distal processes special emphasis has been given to the regional context setting Hungary’s place between the Western European and the Eastern European regions. The repercussions of the illiberal turn in Hungarian politics after 2010 are discussed as the legacy of the Central European political culture that mixed feudal and capitalist elements of mental and social structure. Concerning the proximal processes the paper argues that against all expectations the transition to a full fledged democratic and capitalist society has been halted by existential and epistemological insecurities unleashed by the unbearable burdens of the market economy and liberal democracy. Increased social inequality, ethnicization of deep-poverty and inability to grow were the consequences that have become worse by the inability to cope with the traumas of the past such as the Holocaust and the Trianon treaty. The future will show how effective the National Cooperation System established in 2010 will be.
Key words: transition, Central Europe, epistemological insecurity, social insecurity, inequality, new authoritarianism.
Fadeeva L.A. P.102-116
Abstract: The article considers scholarly discussion and public debates about the future of a modern university in terms of the conflict of values. The author believes that this conflict is expressed in knowledge being regarded as a service or a common good and that at every step of the university history the conflict has its specificity. The author considers the modern situation as an unprecedented one with regard to the conflict acuteness, activation of protest sentiments, which cover various countries and regions and have a global character. In the author’s opinion, it indicates the increase of the constructive contest between the university community and the university neoliberal model. Such a contest is attended with the searches for an efficient new model, based on the values, typical to the traditional university. It is important that it concerns namely axiological element of the contest. The neoliberal model achievements are that its response mechanisms to the market demands and environment needs may be efficient. But such model components as commercialization, managerization, bureaucratization, loss of the university autonomy and traditional academic freedoms result in a protest. The author thinks that the brand new feature of the modern situation is the fact that theoretically-philosophic and moralizing grounds for this model critics get to be accompanied with more and more active forms of contest against the model and for another, spiritually and organizationally democratic model of the university.
Key words: university, values, models, searches, contest, conflict.
Dikaya L.A., Karpova V.V. P.117-127
Abstract: The article deals with the phenomenon of art as a special form of development and trans-formation of the world, by converting the material reality in artistic images. The authors proved the relevance of the study of neurophysiological correlates of creating an artistic image of the representatives of different kinds of art (artists, actors) is grounded. The technique and the procedure of empirical research are described. 60 students aged 23–27 took part in study: artists (23 people), actors (17 people), experts not working in the arts (20 people). For modeling of creative activity the technique of monotype was used. EEG method was used.
On the basis of the comparative analysis it is confidently shown that a neurophysiological correlates of creating an artistic image are different at different stages of the creative process and have specific features for members of specific professions. The distribution of functional connections of the cerebral cortex has a right hemispheric localization at the actors, is associated with the activation of the right and left hemispheres at the arts.
Key words: art, artistic image, artists, actors, monotype, EEG, brain cortex, brain hemispheres.
Kazimzade L.A. P.128-135
Abstract: The history of the human society development goes hand in hand with the settlements formation and their aesthetic design. The human view of life is holistic. The harmony and integrity of the space, the universe affect the artistic thinking of people and their aesthetic taste, including the one related to their residence. The desire to live in a comfortable space, aesthetically attractive and practical is connected to the aesthetic and spiritual needs of people. The usual habitat is also related to the socio-psychological qualities of people, which form under the influence of many factors. One of them is the aesthetics of the settlements landscape.
The pilot project investigated connection of students' socio-psychological condition (based on SUN questionnaire parameters) with their evaluation of the living conditions. Received data allows to suggest the existence of such connection, as well as to expect the difference in mechanisms of its demostration in young male and female people. Negative influence of environmental factor for males was realized according to the "activity" parameter, whereas the same influence for females was realized according to three parameters of "wellbeing", "activity" and "mood".
Key words: human settlements, social and psychological well-being, aesthetics of the urban landscape, rural landscape aesthetics, frustration.