Preparation of the manuscript
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The editorial office posts a surname, initials, a job title, affiliation, and an e-mail address of an author, a title, an abstract, and keywords of article in the journal and on its web-site. The authors are not paid for the article submissions. The submitted articles are not sent back.
Author names and affiliations. The reference data of author(s)should be indicated before the article text: full name, academic degree, academic rank, affiliation (the full name of the organization and its postal address), job title, phone number(s), e-mail address and postal address of an author, ORCID.
Abstract. Abstract of 800–1000 characters is required for all papers. The abstract should contain the description of research essence (main idea, purpose, methods, and results of research) and keywords (no more than ten) in Russian and English. Article title in English, transliteration of author’s full name from the Cyrillic script into the Latin letters, and list of references transliterated into Latin letters and translated into English should accompany a full article text.
References. Authors must indicate the references to the sources from which they retrieve quotations, statistical data and other information. The reference list must be given after the article text and include the cited (mentioned) references to the sources arranged in the alphabetic order and numbered in sequence. It is required to indicate place of publication, name of publication house (except for periodicals), and year of publication for each reference. At the beginning of the list, the references in Russian are given then - in foreign languages.
All the authors must follow the Rules of reference style.
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The Editorial Board reserves the right to return articles to their authors for formatting the references in conformity with the above mentioned rules.
The magazine uses the practice of retraction of articles.
The reason for retraction of the article is
- detection of plagiarism in the publication;
- replication of an article in several editions;
- disclosure of fraud or fabrication in the work (for example, fraud of empirical data);
- detection of serious errors in the work (for example, incorrect interpretation of the results), which casts doubt on its scientific value;
- revealing the incorrect composition of the authors (there is no one who is the author; persons who do not meet the criteria for authorship are included);
- disclosure of conflicts of interest (and other violations of publication ethics);
- republishing an article without the consent of the author.
Retraction is carried out in accordance with requirements of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers.