Contents №2-2016
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Petrosyan S.N. pp.6-25
Abstract: The article analyzes the perspectives of individual life script adopting the subjective existential approach. The tasks of this article are as follows: examination of categories of personality and its existence as the subject field of study, analysis of current researches devoted to the issue of individual life script, consideration of individual’s scripted behavior as an opportunity to act out the behavior models which are formed as a result of living through age-specific crises of development, validation of introducing the category of “intrapersonal dispositional formation” as a category allowing to explain the principles and mechanisms of emergence of a certain position in relationships which can become fixed as character feature and serve as a basis of scripted behavior of an individual in the future.
The following principles of life implementation of the script have been formulated: the life script is formed in childhood, it is associated with living through a situation of stress and with adherence to a behavior pattern that was formed previously, and it can contradict the will of an individual. It has been proved that emotional responses in childhood are obvious and easily to read. However, as adults are able to control their emotional expression, emotions that control the behavior are often not expressed directly, i.e. often the person himself/herself cannot identify them due to the phenomenon of repetitive behavior, namely, the reflex nature of “acting out” the emotional behavior model. Nevertheless, an adult person has the strength of consciousness necessary to take control of the unconscious impulses and to overcome the destructive unconscious behavior, if he/she can find the reasons and sources of such behavior. An adult who realizes the reasons of inadequate development of a situation, is able to set true goals and to escape the captivity of the life script.
The conclusion is made that consideration of the categorical integrity “personality and its existence” as a subject field of psychology (Z.I. Ryabkina) creates an opportunity of a principally new approach to studying the problem of formation and realization of individual’s life script as a global space of its existentiality.
Key words: personality, personal existentiality, life script, scripted behavior, position in relationships, intrapersonal dispositional formation, space of personal existentiality.
Frolov A.A. pp.26-40
Abstract: The article dwells on interconnection of types of self-esteem and levels of legal consciousness of an individual. Theoretical analysis of self-esteem studies permits to consider it not only as a part of the self-concept, self-consciousness and central formation of individuality, but also as a significant component of legal consciousness. Type of self-esteem is defined by means of integrating characteristics of the equal level and degree of validity. Individual subjective level of legal consciousness of definite respondents served as a generalized characteristic of the corresponding level of legal consciousness of the group. The test sample consisted of law enforcement officers representing a special category of population, whose work is directly connected with law enforcement sphere, extremeness, as well as considerable physical and intellectual stress. Representativeness is ensured by sufficient gender, age and professional (experience, length of service) characteristics array of the respondents. The empirical part of the research contains the data on self-esteem diagnostics, legal consciousness, individual and personal features of the officers under research. The validity of the obtained results is ensured by the methods of mathematical and statistical analysis. A clear dependence between certain types of self-esteem and levels of legal consciousness was revealed: the higher the type of self-assessment is, the higher the level of legal consciousness appears, except the cases of inadequately high or low types of self-esteem. The detected combinations allowed defining distinctive behavioral patterns, as well as the intrapersonal determinants that form them. The obtained results permit not only to forecast how successful officers of internal affairs bodies will be in performing duty but also to facilitate the development of their moral and ethical characteristics, thus increasing the efficiency of psychological follow through of official activities of law enforcement bodies.
Key words: self-esteem, consciousness, legal consciousness, personality, moral and ethical characteristics, breach of discipline and legality.
Shcherbina S.M. pp.41-54
Abstract: The attitude of an adoptive mother to the child is considered as an interrelation of activities on the adopted child upbringing and the adoptive mother’s dominant personality features (personality traits system), which arises and manifests itself in the course of this activity. The author distinguishes motivational, emotional, cognitive, behavioral components of the adoptive mother’s attitude towards the child. The article aims to determine the characteristics of the relationship of the adoptive mother to the child, which determine the success of in-family upbringing. The sample included adoptive mothers (94 women) aged from 30 to 50 years, including those with successful experience in raising children - 58 women, and those with some unsuccessful experience in the raising children - 36 women. We used the expert evaluation method, the author's polling form "Portrait of an adoptive mother", the author's questionnaire "The motivation for the creation of a foster family", Plutchik-Kellerman’s method of diagnosis of psychological defense typologies, E. Schaeffer and Robert Bell’s PARI technique, level of subjective control technique, technique to identify individual coping- strategies (E. Haim).
The results of the empirical studies have shown that successful adoptive mothers have higher (compared to the unsuccessful mothers) tangible incentive for starting of a foster family, they have a more pronounced protective mechanism of intellectualization and optimal emotional contact with the child (in the aspect of verbalization), when self-evaluating their correspondence to the image of a good foster mother they demonstrate higher rates of education, punishment, responsibility, personal growth, they have higher rates of total internality, internality in failures and in industrial relations; they are much more likely to use productive coping strategies: problem analysis, optimism, cooperation. The results can be used in preparing women for setting up a foster family.
Key words: the I image of the adoptive mother, successful experience in upbringing, motivation, self-esteem, locus of control, psychological defense mechanisms, coping strategies.
Chepeleva L.M., Druzhinina E.L. pp.55-69
Abstract: The article considers information security in the mass communication media as an important aspect of preventive measures and suicide prevention activity in teenagers’ social group. Information security implies protection of inexperienced audience of children and adolescents, perceiving heterogeneous information of all kinds from mass media sources, from negative psychological impacts and threats. The article examines such issues as impact of information that minors receive as a result of watching TV shows and movies containing violent scenes; considers emotional and psychosomatic disorders that peculiar to teenagers participating in destructive online communication; studies the origins of the paradoxical attitudes to suicide among young visitors of "suicidal" communities and the emergence of atypical causes of suicide among the youth. The key task is to study the cyber-mobbing and its influence on psycho-emotional condition of teenagers.
Cyber-mobbing is carried out in cyberspace via information and communication channels and means. Originally Heinz Leymann introduced "mobbing” category to the scientific community in 1980 (Altuhova G.A., 1998). The notion of "mobbing" or "bulling" infers such notions as psychological abuse, discomforting, and incessant harassment. We define cybermobbing as starting friendly communication with a teenager in social networks to exercise psychological pressure and violence on him afterwards. "Pseudo-friendship Effect" has rather a lasting impact and a destructive potential so strong that the victim has suicidal thoughts. It is believed that the current information policy of the mass media is one of the significant factors, damaging mental and spiritual and moral development of children. The article presents the results of the study aimed at identifying the dominant personality traits to facilitate forecasting suicidal risk in modern teenagers. The sampling (n = 755) of adolescents aged 13-17 is researched to measure psychological characteristics using MMPI, Pathocharacterological Diagnostic Checklist by A.E. Lichko, 16PF Questionnaire by R. Cattell. It is found that a great part of the teenagers who took part in the survey have the following dominating traits: egocentrism, high conceit, alienation, anxiety, nervous and mental instability, rigidity, social passivity. In many cases adolescents are characterized by negative emotional state, hedonism, intolerance to the infringement of their interests, desire to avoid difficulties and responsibility, and a small portion of the surveyed teenagers have a positive emotional state. Cluster and factor analysis made it possible to define the respondents with different levels of suicidal tendencies. The results of the survey of the teenagers’ personal qualities indicate that epileptoid and schizoid accentuations (viciously-dreary mood, irritability, toughness, passivity, isolation from the outside real world) are prevalent in the group with suicidal risk. Upon the whole, transformation of positive images and needs into emptiness and harmfulness is observed in modern teenagers. Neuropsychic stability is decreased and spiritual values are shifted to destructive information space. The article concludes that it is possible to improve prevention of suicidal behaviour among the younger generation on the basis of monitoring and censorship of the information received from social networks and active combating cyber-mobbing.
Key words: teenagers, suicide tendency, mass media, information security, Internet sources, virtual thinking, cyber-mobbing, censorship and parental control of information.
Ovcharova O.G. pp.70-81
Abstract: The article examines the phenomenon of gender asymmetry policy on a global scale. Determined methodological significance of the various meanings of the definition of «gender asymmetry»: asymmetry as uneven number of men and women in political decision-making; the asymmetry of the difference of institutional capacity, contributing to the promotion of men and women in politics; asymmetry as the unequal evaluation of the results of the values of the political activities of men and women based on tradition. It is proved that the sharp increase in the number of women in the parliaments of several countries of the world due to the implementation of measures of positive discrimination, is not unequivocal evidence of real influence of women in political processes and increase the level of democratization in the country. However, it is shown (on the basis of world rankings — IPU, GGG, GII) that the quantitative indicators of gender asymmetry policies affect the political assessment of the country is not always objective.
Key words: gender asymmetry of politics, political representation of women in parliaments around the world, traditional gender norms.
Zavershinskaia N.A. pp.82-98
Abstract: The article deals with the phenomenon of female war memory in the context of today's memories of the Second World War and Russian memorial culture of the Great Patriotic War. The author uses constructivist methodology to study the ways to render the memory of the woman in that war.
Inclusion of women in official memorial culture of war had its peculiarities in different periods of the Soviet society history. The interest in the military history and the topic of woman in the war was considerably intensified during the Brezhnev's era.
During the Post-Soviet era female war memory lays more claims to the truthfulness of national memorial culture of the war, as today the previously restricted archival documents become publically available, numerous memoirs are published, the topics that used to be taboo, which gave an impulse to rigorous scientific researches etc., are now taken out to the court of public opinion.
Collective official military memory is in many respects concordant to female war memories. Explaining this phenomenon, Russian researchers fairly note that it is incorrect to only consider it to be a result of the government’s strategy of intimidation and manipulation.
As war is a serious test for humanity, female memories are also connected with traumatic experience. However, women’s military history cannot be reduced to the traumatic experience alone. As female memory resists to painful remembrances both because of heavy emotions, and because of a possibility of their humiliating assessment, “to retrieve” female memory of war from "the forced silence" is a difficult and delicate task, which future generation of researchers is to solve to the full extent.
Key words: Great Patriotic War, Soviet past, female war memory, commemorations, memorial culture, deconstruction, demythologization, identity, traumatic experience, sexual violence.
Ryabov O.V., Ryabova T.B. pp.99-114
Abstract: The paper deals with the analysis of the Motherland symbol in forming Russian civic identity. The authors consider formation of Russian civic identity as a process of drawing the symbolic boundaries between “us” and “them”. The symbol of Motherland is actively employed in the identification processes. Its effectiveness as a symbolic borderguard is caused by using of the metaphor of kinship as well as appealing to historical tradition, that raises the legitimacy of the symbol.
Today exploiting the symbol is aimed at legitimation of Russian civic identity. The authors point out that this symbol serves as a “symbolic borderguard” which is employed in strengthening the external symbolic boundaries and juxtaposing Russia to the West, in particular, the USA. It manifests itself in Russian citizens’ identification with the symbol as well as in the ways of drawing the symbolic boundaries between “us” and “them”. Another important element of the national identity, apart from the image of Russia as the mother, is a peculiar attitude towards the country as towards the mother. Besides, the article demonstrates that the symbol, being the image of affinity of all the ethnoses, is used in weakening the internal symbolic boundaries and strengthening the interethnic ties. The authors emphasize that this makes possible to consider the mother symbol of the country as a symbolic resource of forming the Russian civic identity. At the same time the article notes the necessity to take into account the fact that employing the symbol can become a tool of disintegration of Russia. The “Motherland” appeals to the idea of kinship as the essential of the nation; it might lead to actualization of the ideology of ethnic nationalism.
Key words: Motherland, Anti-Americanism, Russian civic identity, symbolic boundaries, interethnic relations.
Bashmakov I.S. pp. 115-127
Abstract: The politics of identity in Occitania (the historical region in the south of France) is analyzed in this article. The author comes to conclusion that Occitan identity politics has several active subjects, varying from regional political parties and movements to representatives of mass media, civil society, scientific and educational organizations, as well as business corporations. The main aims of these subjects are retraced in this paper. They are the support for development and study of Occitan culture and history, the proliferation and popularization of Occitan language and even granting the official status of regional language in France. Several well-known political parties and movements in the south of France use Occitan ideology and advocate more autonomy to regions in the spheres of economics, education and culture. In addition, there are some movements and parties which favor full independence of Occitania but they don’t have many supporters and still unpopular. Mass media, representatives of civil society, local history associations also play a big role in the promotion of Occitan identity and the diffusion of Occitan culture and traditions. These social institutes supporting local and regional culture and language, assisting study of history and traditions thereby favor the development and reinforcement of Occitan identity. The need for local and regional cultural identity in the south of France facilitates the development of commercial sector oriented towards Occitan originality and utilizing Occitan language and symbols. Overall the subjects of Occitan identity politics develop unique regional self-consciousness and culture, contribute to the regionalization of political life in France.
Key words: politics of identity, regional self-consciousness, Occitania, occitanism.
Diomin A.N. pp.128-131
Book review: Тоlоchеk V. А. Work psychology: Textbook. Spb.: Piter, 2016. 480 p.