Contents №3-2017
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Bardin A.L., Pantin V.I. рр.6-17
Abstract: The article deals with political discourse on the problems of migration regulation and integration of immigrants from different cultures in the EU countries with focus on dynamics of this discourse in the aftermath of the migration crisis peak in 2015. The research shows that the aggravation of migration crisis in the EU not only stimulated and actualized political discourse on the regulation of migration, but also revealed the presence of different, sometimes oppositional approaches in this field. Visible politicization of the discourse on migration problems in the EU countries, which is evident in the European mass media, has a negative impact on the social cohesion of society, triggering political polarization, and contributes to growing influence of populist parties and movements. This puts the supranational structures of the EU and the political leadership of individual European countries before the need to develop an adequate and effective response to the challenges of a dramatically increased ethno-social and ethno-cultural heterogeneity. The analysis shows that attempts to replace (or substitute) the problem of integration of migrants from the countries of the Middle East and Africa with the refugee problem, and the migration crisis being renamed the “refugee crisis”, are only partially effective and in general do not contribute to overcoming political polarization. The calls in the political discourse for control over migration, as well as over the external and internal borders of the EU countries have a greater effect and affect the policies of a number of EU member states.
Key words: migration crisis, migrants from different cultures, political discourse, regulation of migration, EU, mass-media.
Preobrazhenskaya A.A. рр.18-36
Abstract: The article analyzes the peculiarities and social challenges of immigration in France, the specifics of the authorities’ approach to the integration of migrants are revealed. It is shown that initially the integration model was based on the assimilation approach, the ethnic and religious characteristics of the newcomers were not sufficiently taken into account. It is established that the current policy of social equalization has more than modest results. The exclusion from economic and social life, the high unemployment rate of settlers and their descendants, especially young people, social marginalization contribute to strengthen the influence in these circles of religious ideology, often in its radical manifestations.
Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the state of intercultural practices in the article, the possibility of their survival on French soil is estimated. The author concludes that these practices have not received a significant development. For a number of historical, political, cultural reasons, it is difficult for the authorities to go beyond the model of individual integration, to recognize sociocultural and ethnic differentiation in society and to accept the fact that many social institutions play a role in the reproduction of this differentiation.
Key words: France, immigration, integration model, interculturalism, Islam, urban policy, social alignment, discrimination, social marginalization, social mobility.
Volkova A.V. рр.37-52
Abstract: The Regulatory Impact Assessment, emerged as an element of the New public management model, gets a new meaning in in the context of the “smart regulation” conception. It not only fulfills the technical function of evaluation, but it is also a mechanism of public policy governance, which ensures the coordination of the activities of decision-makers with the interests of civil society structures affected by this activity. Comparative analysis of the experience of implementing the mechanisms of «smart regulation» in St. Petersburg and Leningradskaya oblast’ let us to draw conclusions about the emerging differences in public policy in these regions. In both subjects, the civil society demonstrates a readiness for responsible participation in processes of the public policy governance, but the types of interaction are different. According to analysis of the citizen activity in St.-Petersburg, we can conclude that the interest of the civil society organizations to participate in public policy processes with formal mechanisms has been declining. Decline in civil society interest to formal procedures for Regulatory Impact Assessment reflects the frustration and rejection of formal mechanisms in a number of regions. At the same time, their activity to form an alternative agenda has been increasing. The orientation of the civil society structures to the agenda proposed by state authorities has been and to cooperation in the framework of formalized practices took place in Leningradskaya oblast’.
Key words: public policy, smart regulation, assessment of regulatory impact, citizen participation, responsibility, cooperation.
Petrova A.Yu., Plotichkina N.V. рр.53-68
Abstract: The practice of corporeal representation of age by students at various stages (childhood, juvenile, adolescence, youth) are considered in the article. The results of studying age constructs are obtained by the qualitative analysis of the informants’ biographical essays. Heuristic potential of the biographic method for the analysis of corporeal age representations is shown. The design of an applied research is defined by an interpretation of age as biodemographic reality and result of social designing. The article describes different research directions in the body sociology. The theoretical explication of the term “age” showed existence of various semantic connotations of the concept: objective chronological fact, social problem, individual attribute, self-determining category (subjective feeling of age). Essentialization of scientific discourse concerning the social construction of age differences is carried out; features of sociological interpretation of age as a process and result of interactive work are revealed. The conclusions about age constructs in informants’ narratives are formulated. In the biographic essays the childhood period is a stage of the corporeal transformation from child to girl, the discovery of her body as a “body of gender”. Adolescence and youth were interpreted by informants as periods of corporeal experiments, mastering new corporeal practices. Differences in the discursive design of age-related constructs of childhood and adolescence / youth in the narratives of informants are pointed out. At the child ages, the vector of individual corporeal manifestations was defined by parents. At adolescence/ youth ages, peers actively joined in corporal discussions. In the girls’ esse youth is characterized as a stage of self-determination, the representation of women’s body-image, objective reflection and work on the body. The research of biographic essays of young girls recorded transformation of the corporeal embodiments of age stages, variability of perception by informants of the body age changes.
Key words: age, body, construction of age, youth, childhood, adolescence, youthfulness.
Bortsova M.V., Nekrasov S.D. рр.69-80
Abstract: The article dwells on an important aspect of the issue “parent — child — e-gadget” related to the study on parents’ attitude towards regulation of children’s using e-gadgets and their opinion on a positive or negative impact of e-gadgets on child’s personal traits.
In order to perform an empirical study, the following methods were developed by the authors: the questionnaire “Data on Child’s Using E-Gadgets”, an incomplete-sentence method “Regulation of Child’s Using E-Gadgets”. The study involved 147 parents of children going to pre-school educational institutions of the Poltavskaya village, Krasnodar Krai.
The study identified specific features of parents’ attitude towards the usage of e-gadgets by children which includes three levels of parents’ regulation of child’s using e-gadgets: “No-limit level” (42%), “Normal level” (46%), “Prohibiting level” (13%). The “prohibiting level” means that parents forbid their pre-school children using any gadget. Parents with “normal level” of preschooler’s using e-gadgets allow their child to use one type of gadgets (a tablet, telephone or smartphone, computer). Parents with “no-limit level” of preschooler’s using e-gadgets allow their child to use any type of gadgets.
The paper presents a psychological profile of modern parents living in rural areas and their significant attitude towards preschoolers’ using e-gadgets. Most parents allow children to use e-gadgets and are actively involved in this process no more than for an hour a day; as a rule, time is controlled by mothers. Preschoolers usually use gadgets for different age-specific entertaining activities (watching cartoons or playing computer games), next — learning activities, in particular those that prepare for school studies. Parents allow children to spend more time with gadgets in order to complete learning activities that may have a positive impact on child’s development. In parents’ view, the main negative impact is lack of control over child’s visiting unwanted websites.
Key words: child’s using e-gadgets, influence of gadgets on child’s traits development; parents’ attitude towards child’s using e-gadgets; levels of parents’ regulation of child’s using e-gadgets; parents’ psychological profile; issue “parent — child — e-gadget”.
Dakhno V.M. рр.81-94
Abstract: The article dwells on a research of future family image conceived by young males and females coming from two-parent and single-parent families. It considers personal characteristics of the way they construct the image of parents, the image of themselves as a future parent in cases when they have two or only one parent. Single-parent family is solely regarded as the situation of additional resources mobilization that promotes development and self-development, not as a negative situation that completely robs them of opportunity to become mature personalities. The research of attitude to family roles and gender identity was implemented by means of а content analysis of young males and females’ compositions and repertory test. The content analysis permitted to define characteristics of youths’ image of a family, analyze possible causes of and effects on the future family image young males and females from twoparent and single-parent families have. The author determines and describes the criteria of composition analysis: presence of family image in ideas of the future, presence of children in the image of the future family, a chance for self-realization due to or despite family relations, use of physical and instrumental characteristics while portraying the future, importance of material wealth in the image of the future, fears connected with the future family. The repertory test revealed some mechanisms of self-identification of a person with the image of the mother and father. The research results show the presence of age, gender and family factors of youths’ attitude to future family life. The article describes the characteristics of the way the youths’ from two-parent and single-parent families construct the image of future family and treat gender roles. The article points out a more positive image of themselves as a future spouse and parent that youths from single-parent families have; describes main concerns and worries connected with future family; defines characteristics of structural and thematic description of the future family. It also provides a detailed analysis of role connections between different gender models and, based on this, it represents strategies of forming gender identity in case when one parent is missing. Main conclusions of the research revealed a more positive attitude to starting a family that the youths from single-parent families have, however, they also develop more fears and concerns connected with it. The image of future family in this group of young people is more realistic, better-thought of, which indicates that they are more concerned about starting their own family compared to the youths from two-parent families. The article also detects the compensatory mechanisms that young males and females coming from single-parent families employ to form adequate self-image. Upon the whole, the results show that a single-parent family as a social situation of personality development predetermines greater importance that young people who were brought up in such families attach to future family relations, the greater attention that they pay to starting their own family and carrying out their own parental functions.
Key words: youths, two-parent and single parent families, future family image, gender identity.
Kireeva O.V., Pedanova E.Yu., Djomin A.N. рр.95-107
Abstract: The study was carried out with support of the Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences of the Russian Fund of Fundamental Research and the Administration of the Krasnodar Krai within the research project No. 16–16–23011 — а (р) “Psychological Analysis of Credit Market Activeness of Youth and Middle Age Persons”.
The article is dedicated to the study on a relation between borrower’s attitude towards loans and his/her social status. The urgency of studies on person’s social and psychological traits in credit and debt behavior is associated with debt overburden of the population and troubled debts — the problems that have emerged in Russia. Two hypotheses have been checked in the study: 1) components of the attitudetowardsloans (loanawareness, reasonsforgettingaloan, waysofbehaviorincaseofpersonaldefault) arerelatedtocomponentsofthesocialstatus (gender, age, levelofeducation, employmentstatus, stateoffamilyfinances); 2) in case of personal default, a relation between components of the attitude towards loans and components of the person’s social status will be more pronounced than in a common situation of debt repayment because a tough life situation (such as personal default) sets stricter requirements to the person’s social resources. The following research methods were used: the questionnaire “Attitude towards Loans” that was composed by the authors and allows to identify loan awareness (active or passive), reasons for getting a loan, behavior strategies in case of personal default; scales that measure components of person’s social status. The sample size was 257 people, and the study involved those who got a loan and repaid it in due time or are repaying it now (n=157) and those people who got a loan and failed to repay it in due time or cannot repay it now (n=100). The study results showed that four components of the social status (education, employment, state of finances and gender) were related to components of the attitude towards loans. At the same time, only the level of education is associated both with cognitive, motivation and behavior components of the attitude towards loans. High chances of applying an unproductive strategy (problem evasion, avoiding behavior) in case of personal default are likely to be determined by the lack of permanent full-time job, lower level of the state of family’s finances and are more inherent to men. The additional hypothesis was also justified: in case of personal default, a relation between components of the attitude towards loans and components of the person’s social status is more systemic in comparison with a common situation of debt repayment. The analysis of data which was obtained in the total sample and subsamples did not identify significant correlation relationships between indicators of the attitude towards loans and the borrowers’ age.
Key words: loan, attitude towards loans, loan awareness, motivation of credit behavior, personal default, person’s social status.
Pishchik V.I., Spivachuk Z.V. рр.108-114
Abstract: We presented the submission on pseudo- patriarchal the relationship of men and women in modern couples. We considered socio-cultural factors of transformation of family relations at the present stage. We highlight the approach of schools V. N. Myasishchev to the problem of relations. We consider the cognitive, affective and behavioral components of relationships. Shown the possibility of generating difficulties in the relationship of spouses when faced with their new life situation. For example, when men and women are not the same expectations regarding their role in the family. It largely determines the choice of partner in marriage. We note the influence the influence of sociocultural realities on relationships in the family: the decline of religion, the physical destruction of the ties between generations, war. That leads to mental trauma couples, the change of archetypes of the family, the emergence of new types of family. This new type is pseudopatriarchal type of family. Under pseudopatriarchal relations of men and women we realize, at its core, a set of stereotypes and distorted attitudes concerning family life in General, and marital roles in particular.
A sample of 460 married men and women, we showed the specific role, installing, behavior, functions in family, values. Applied techniques: methods of figure of the frustration S. Rosenzweig, the author’s questionnaire “Determination of the type of family relations»; method «Features of the distribution of roles in the family» (Yu. e. Aleshina, L. Ya. Gozman, E. M. Dubovskaya); the technique of “Maskulinnost-femininity” (C. Boehm). Men in pseudopatriarchal type of family exhibit a high degree of feminineness, intropunitive, a contradiction regarding the roles “Owner” and “Sexual partner”. They are fixed on the obstacles, expect help from the outside in family conflicts. The results of the study of interpersonal relations in pseudo-patriarchal the family type show offset, the distortion of attitudes in relationship to family life in General.
Key words: relationships, pseudo-patriarchal family, men, women, socio-psychological characteristics.
Knyazev E.B. рр.115-125
Abstract: This article represents the results of the research on studying of correlation of social attitudes of students in the space of motivational and need sphere of personality depending on degree of their self-perception as obedient people. The total sample of the research is 185 people from departments of Saratov State University.
The relevance of the study is due by the fact that obedience to authority is a necessary component of the social mechanism, thanks to which the normal existence of any community of people is ensured. However, the studies of S. Milgram, Ph. Zimbardo A. Elms, J. Burger, Ch. Hoffling and others show that obeying authority, a person is capable of committing unlawful acts, since he absolves himself responsibility and shifts it to authority. In turn, modern studies of obedience show that a person is capable to destructive subordination even without pressure from authority. Consequently, there is an assumption that the situations of subordination can influence the motivational and need sphere of the personality, changes it. In particular, these changes can manifest themselves in the correlation of the social attitudes of the individual.
Following this assumption and using the method of multidimensional scaling, the author presents location of social attitudes of motivational and need sphere of personality in twodimensional space. According to the results of analysis, its measurements were defined and presented in the form of oppositions: egocentrism — humanity and pragmatism — perfectionism. It is shown that within the change of degree of students’ self-perception as obedient people, their social attitudes change the location in motivational and need sphere of their personality. The strongest changes in the location of attitudes are detected at high degree of self-perception as obedient personality. It is also shown that the shortest distance, and hence the greater similarity is noted between the social attitudes for the process and freedom, and the largest distance and correspondingly the smallest similarity is noted between the social attitudes for power and process.
Key words: obedience, authority, social attitudes, motivational and need space, multidimensional scaling.
Tuchina O.R. рр.126-131