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Hits: 4932
M. G. Ostroushko
Abstract. The article presents the results of the research singling out three types of administrative intellect (AI) among the leaders of the public health organization. Indexes of the reflexive abilities of the leaders were used as criteria in the assessment of AI and the style of management decision-making (MDM). It has been shown that two types of AI, characteristic of 42% of the managers with an authoritarian and liberal MDM are assessed as insufficient level of AI formation. They denote a low level of a leader’s maturity. The authoritarian style is characterized by weekly developed introspection of activities, a pronounced drive for reaching high indexes of personal goals and basically, the internal locus of subjective control. The liberal orientation in MDM has a low level of reflexive abilities in communication and interaction with other people, detachment toward the subordinate personnel and a lower level of achievement drive. The persons with well-developed reflexive abilities for communication and interaction and possessing an integral style of attribution—active psychological resources for successful development of a leader’s mature personality—combine the liberal attitude towards their subordinates with the anticipation of problem situations. This style of leadership can be considered as effective managerial intellect. The AI which is based on situational decision-making and is oriented at participative management is typical for a mature leader with well-developed reflectivity, internal locus of control and a drive for self-development and self-perfection. In accordance with the variables included into the general structure of diagnostic indexes of the respondents, this type of AI is defined as highly developed, or as AI of high level of formation.
Keywords: personality maturity, managerial intelligence, leader, style of management decision-making, reflectivity, locus of subjective control, drive for achievement.
DOI: 10.31429/26190567-20-2-136-151
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Hits: 4715
Z. I. Ryabikina, E. V. Kharitonova, V. O. Pokul
Abstract. The paper contains theoretical and methodological substantiation, as well as the data of the psychometric validation of the technique called “Questionnaire on Consumer Behavior Motivation in Social Media” (MCBSM Questionnaire). The relevance of this diagnostic tool is accounted for by the growing theoretical and practical demand aimed at uncovering the gist of the phenomenon referred to as “personality in online environment”. It is emphasized that the concept of personality as a subject of co-existence is of special methodological and heuris-tic value. The personality implements its intentions in the developing existential spaces, one of which is a qualitatively new environment known as ‘social media space’. Convincing argu-ments are found to substantiate the necessity of interdisciplinary approach in analyzing cus-tomers’ behavior and their motivating determinants with resorting to economic psychology, resource analysis, social and psychological concepts and psychodynamic grounds. Having re-viewed the latest researches in customers’ behavior motivation, the authors found strong the-oretical arguments for developing a novel approach — a psycho-diagnostic tool called “MCBSM Questionnaire”. To draw it up, they used questioning and a full cycle of the Questionnaire psy-chometric testing. As a result of factor analysis by the method of the main components with Varimax-rotation, seven factors were identified (58.09% of the variance of the results), which allowed to confirm the presence of four types of motives (“personal identification”; “entertain-ment”; “social interaction”; “information search”), three of which (“entertainment”; “social interaction”; “information search”) include sub-factors (sub-scales). The motivation “enter-tainment” is formed by a combination of submotives “entertainment to relieve tension”; and “entertainment to escape from everyday life»; the motivation “social identification” includes the submotives “affiliation” and “social interaction”; the motivation “information search” is differentiated by the sub-motives “consumer information” and “cognitive information”. The-oretical and methodological substantiation of the adopted approach to the development of methods for the diagnosis of consumer behavior motivation in social media, as well as psycho-metric verification data give grounds to consider MCBSM Questionnaire as an effective tool for identifying typological characteristics of individual motivational profiles of social media users as subjects of consumer behavior, and to focus the attention of consultants on the psychologi-cal “targets” of developing, supporting impact. The success of further studies of personality in the space of the virtual world requires the development of interdisciplinary analysis approach, in which psychological traditions and schools will unite with other Sciences of Man in a com-mon search for the mysteries of modern life of the individual.
Keywords: motivation, consumer behavior, social media, psychometric testing.
DOI: 10.31429/26190567-20-2-121-135
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Hits: 4956
C. B. Dogan, Ya. V. Rakacheva
Abstract. The article deals with the urgent problem of migration from the Republic of Turkey to Germany in 1960–2000. In 1950, still struggling along considerable economic problems caused by the lack of workforce after WW2, Germany implemented a program to attract workers from a number of European and Mediterranean countries. A considerable share of those migrants were the citizens of Turkey that was experiencing a deep social, economic and political crisis. Initially, Germany’s migration program assumed that the labor migrants would stay temporarily, without the right to permanent residence. However, over several decades, the major part of Turkish labor migrants were admitted to citizenship, and Turkish diaspora in Germany has become one of the most powerful and consolidated communities in Europe. The paper is focused on the social and demographic aspects of this migration flow including its dynamism, scales of migration, and its gender, age and professional structures. The research has shown how socio-economic and political situation change the direction, the structure and intensity of migrations and how they themselves transform under their influence. The article studies the background of the phenom-ena and gives a detailed analysis of its present state. The research is supported by the statistic data borrowed from the Federal Statistical Department of Germany (Statistisches Bundesamt), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Turkish Statistical Institute, the Statis-tical Office of the European Communities, etc. The article has emphasized radical changes in the character and the scale of contemporary Turkish migration to Germany.
Key words: migration, labor migration, adaptation, integration, Turkey, Germany, migration background, migration flow.
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Hits: 4838
A. P. Romanova, M. S. Topchiev, D. A. Chernichkin, V. S. Dryagalov, A. V. Rogov
Abstract. In the last few years, virtual space has had a direct impact on almost all spheres of human life activity. Religious identity in post-Soviet Russia is becoming an important part of national identity for many ethnic groups again, and it is reflected in virtual space as well. Russian religious virtual space has a number of characteristic properties. Firstly, the space stays within the limits of the Russian content due to the prevalence of the Russian-speaking users. Secondly, it is basically used by the youth audiences, as the older generation lack digital skills. Besides, it is accounted for by the specifics of the Russian Orthodox Church traditions which reject money-grabbing and glorify redemption and repentance, unlike marketing-oriented virtual space. Although Russian virtual space has no regulation or restrictions for its use by the clergymen, it is basically the Russian young people who are (far more than the older generation) involved into virtual world. The aim of the research is to identify and to reveal factors of virtual space influence on religious identity in Russian student community. The main methods of the research are content-analysis of the religious virtual space, and a complex sociological survey based on focus-group and in-depth interviews resorted to, to analyze the experience of the respondents’ participation in network religious projects, as well as to scrutinize their value orientations to estimate the influence of the latter upon the religious identity formation. The research is an original complex content within which Russian religious space was constructed on the basis of C. Helland’s typology and the predominant methods of networking were indicated, accounting for its influence on the religious identity formation. Special attention has been paid to revealing the general attitude of the respondents to virtual forms of religious networking. On the basis of the research the main trends of Rus-sian digital space influence on religious identity construction have been identified.
Keywords: virtual space, religious identity, online religion, religion online, student youth, South of Russia.
DOI: 10.31429/26190567-20-2-99-120
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Hits: 5015
V. A. Sautkina
Abstract. It is assumed that in the present-day individualized and culturally diverse society there is an urgent need for a new form of solidarity to bring people together. During transi-tional periods the need for people to stick together is increasing. Losing the opportunity for real cooperation in solving problems in the sphere of social well-being and in searching for new goals and purports, makes people look back, discover new senses in the long-forgotten past, and move ahead. At such times, the phenomenon of solidarity is becoming the major factor in the development of mutual aid institutions for individuals, social groups and commu-nities, which is well traced in scientific discourse. The research of the solidarity phenomenon is becoming all the more complicated because it is discussed across the most diverse types of discourse, including ideological and political ones. While interpreting the phenomenon of sol-idarity in every concrete event of social reality, whether it is registered or not, it is important not to be involved into only one or the other. Since it is a well-established fact that ideological and political discourses are often confused, this approach seems an important methodological problem, most difficult to solve. The article is aimed at assessing the prospects of civic partic-ipation and at creating an institutional environment of interaction in which readiness for sol-idarity practices is manifested. The research is based on the assumption that at the time when a new social reality is being created and when individuals and groups of people simultaneously exist in two dimensions (traditionally institutionalized and virtual), there appear some new ways of causing joint actions. With the help of the methodological approach whose aim is to examine the phenomenon of solidarity from three angles (social, political and economic) the research demonstrates the birth of new types and forms of solidarity that open up new vistas for consolidation, as well as risks of undue risks.
Keywords: ideological and political solidarity, solidarism, risk-solidarity, social space, private space, civil solidarity space, solidary economy.
DOI: 10.31429/26190567-20-2-70-85