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by I. V. Grishin p.54
Abstract. Having no colonies in the past, mono-ethnic until recently and spaced at a consider-able distance from the countries of origin of its migrants with a different cultural background, Sweden faced them only in the most recent decades. The countrywide perception of the distant (Third) world was formed on a speculative basis, without the Swedes’ immediate involvement in it. This was the basis for the high potential of solidarity with the people from the Eastern and Southern countries. The potential dates back to the past dominance of social democracy in Sweden, with its ideology of social solidarity across the world. However, there is a great difference between Sweden’s general contribution to promoting the development of the former Third world countries and accommodating its masses of migrants. However unquestionably important the economic factor is, the problem of their integration lies in their cultural other-ness and their attitude to the rule of law in a secular democratic society and to its values and norms of behavior. Therefore, without taking into account the full range of factors that de-termine the immigration situation, there is a high risk of a low-critical vision of the real state of things. This work is aimed at analyzing the migration and integration processes in today’s Sweden. In the last several years, the ethno-social problems have come to the fore due to their growth proliferation, aggravation and unprecedented actualization, resulting in squeezing out the traditional aspirations of a welfare state (employment, education, healthcare, etc.) off the agenda. Besides, the political landscape in the country and Parliament has undergone critical changes. It’s highly likely that the topic under consideration can lend some originality to the text in view of the latest developments.