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by M. G. Lukinova, E. A. Shcherbakova p.161
Abstract. The requirements to the professionally important qualities of a military pilot are becoming stricter due to the onward rush of military aircraft engineering. It has been proved that the success of a pilot’s professionalism is defined by both the level of development of his professional activity and by the structure and the hierarchy of his qualities as a specialist. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is made up by the concept of a psychological selection and psychological maintenance during the military pilot’s training period, worked out by D. V. Gander, V. A. Ponomarenko, and some others. Within the framework of this concept, the prognosis of professional reliability and adaptation to professional activity is ex-ercised on the basis of assessment of the professionally important qualities of a military pilot. The article contains the results of the personalized research of a military pilot’s professionally important qualities. The article is a part of a longitudinal study and it analyzes the research results of the structure of professional qualities indispensable for the 3rd year cadets, and is based on the research results for the 1st and 2nd year cadets under the influence of educational environment. The results show that the 3rd year cadets possess a visual and imaginative, as well as intuitive type of cognitive activity. They are socially active, energetic, aimed at self-affirmation, leadership, dominance, prone to rivalry, persistence and tenacity, and are self-oriented. They make friends easily, and wealthy life is very important for them. The correlation analysis has revealed seven systemic parameters out of all those under study. Here belong the following specifics of the respondents’ personality: extraversion, communicability, egoism, spontaneity, authoritarianism, aggressiveness and “wealthy life” as a most important value; all of these are directly correlated. Another value — “Having true friends” — is also richly correlat-ed but it is directly connected with the value “Wealthy life”. In the aggregate of personalized characteristics, the respondents possess a visual and imaginative, as well as intuitive type of cognitive activity. The data obtained in the research can be used to carry out correctional and developmental activities in which the cadets are involved in the course of psychological main-tenance during the military pilots’ training period.
Keywords: professionally important qualities, structure professionally important qualities, psychological and educational maintenance, cadet pilots.