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A.V. Sokolov
Abstract. The activization of the citizen’s collective actions has become a trend spanning var-ious parts of the world. Russia is no exception. The Internet contributes to the growth of collective actions, in that it facilitates intercommunication and coordination of joint actions. To analyze how collective actions are organized in modern Russia and to emphasize their specifics, the article presents the results of the original research based on a series of polls held in different regions of the Russian federation. The 2014 research covered 21 regions, in 2015, 14 regions were covered, and the 2017 research included data from 16 regions. The results of the research have revealed that the most active part in the social and political life of the regions belongs to coalitions of public associations and civic activists. However, they unite no more than two to three partners. At the same time, the most important principle that lies at the basis of their functioning is “common interest in civic activity”, “voluntary participation”, and “openness, and the development of external relations.” The research has enabled the author to detect the increase of collective actions in the Internet, as well as the decline of their effective-ness. At the same time, it has been revealed that the growth of protest activity in the regions is destabilizing their social and political life mare and more. Special attention has been paid to the authorities’ reaction to collective actions. It has been observed that the role of the state in regulating the Internet environment in Russia is increasing. Yet it is emphasized that the state did not essentially influence the content of the citizens’ collective actions. State authorities in the regions and on the federal level are monitoring events and actions of civic activists and initiative groups. At the same time, the state is more lenient towards the citizens’ activity in the Internet than towards their off-line civic activity. The authorities in different subjects of the Russian federation react to their citizens’ off-line non-protest collective actions different-ly. But most often they either “support them to a very little degree” or “support them with a lot of enthusiasm proceeding from the positive results of their activity”; either “feel apprehensive and render the minimum of assistance to them” or “counteract them”.
Key words: collective actions, Internet, social networks, authorities, communication.
DOI: 10.31429/26190567-20-2-45-59