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A. V. Khudaykulova
Aleksandra V. Khudaykulova, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMOUniversity), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, 76, Vernadsky pr., Moscow, 119454, Russia. E‑mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ORCID 0000-0003-0680-9321
Acknowledgements: The research was carried out through the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and EISR, grant No. 19-011-31389 (“Traditional and emerging powers: discussions on sovereignty and conflict management”).
Abstract. The efficiency problem of the UN peacekeeping activities is raised, in view of the conflicts’ complication and the increasing role of the complex peacekeeping operations as a control means. The UN key role in conducting multilateral peacekeeping operations is described; the basic operations are classified under their specific aims; the geographical distribution of UN contingents, as well as the decision-making mechanism and operations management are presented. It is shown that modern diversified operations deviate from performing traditional purposes and execute more complex and multilateral functions. In addition, they do not always observe the “unwritten” rules of classical peacekeeping principles, viz. the consent of the parties to the conflict, the neutrality of the peacemakers, and the use of force for self-defence exclusively. Apart from the UN, peacekeeping missions are executed by subregional organizations and ad hoc coalitions. Frequently, operations are carried out on a joint basis. The following critical problems of modern peacekeeping are stressed in the research: the increased politicization of the peacekeeping process, the dissent between the UN Security Council, the UN Secretariat, and the major financial donors and troop-contributing countries. Besides that, there exist the quality and complexity of negotiating mandates, insufficient resources to carry out operations, and the influence of asymmetric threats (particularly, the activities of terrorist groups), etc. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the reform initiatives undertaken in the last twenty years, and around the assessement of specific measures to improve the efficiency of peacekeeping operations. In conclusion, the achievements of the peacekeeping process and the topical directions on the road of its improvement are described. They are as follows: greater inclusiveness in the sphere of decision-making, definition of realistic and well-defined mandates, improvement in training for peacemakers, etc. Insufficient progress in the interaction between the key states, the major financial donors and troop-contributing countries is emphasized as they are centred around their own interests and priorities, which is to the detriment of the common mission of ensuring peace and security.
Keywords: peace-keeping, UN, peace-keeping operations, political missions, peace enforcement, peace-keeping reform
DOI: 10.31429/26190567-20-4-109-126