Irina S. Semenenko
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Academic degree and rank
Doctor of Sciences (Politics, 2002, dissertation on interest groups in Russian and EU politics).
Candidate (PhD) in contemporary history (1984, thesis on left-wing parties in the Italian political system in the 1970s).
Organization and position
- Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences. Head of Applied Socio-political Studies Sectoral Department. Web page:
- National Research University - High School of Economics, Public Policy Department, professor. Web page:
- IMEMO, Russian Academy of Sciences. Academic Council, member. PhD Committee (politics), member.
- POLIS (Political Studies), leading Russian academic journal in political studies / Member of editorial board.
- Moscow State Institute of International Relations (currently MGIMO University)
- Faculty of International Relations (1979), with honors
Professional experience
- “The Corporation as a Political Actor. Corporate Citizenship” for MA students at the National Research University - High School of Economics, Moscow (2008). Professor, Public Police Dep.
- MGIMO University, Moscow (2003 – 2008)/ Professor, Comparative Politics Dep.
- Warwick University, Great Britain, Department of political and International Studies, 1993/1994 academic year, course in Russian politics.
- Author of texts for secondary school history textbooks on Russian culture and society in the XXth century. These include “Russia in the XX – XXI с. Culture and society / Prosvesheniye, 2011. 496 pp.)
Scientific interests
Current research focuses on political identity in an EU – Russia comparative perspective, on identity politics, nationalism and nation building, and on studies of political change (theory and methodology). Italian politics and society and corporate social responsibility also remain topics of research interest.
Main publications
Author and co-author of a number of books, editor of edited volumes, chapters in edited volumes and numerous papers. Overall number of books, research papers and articles over 250. These include (selected books and edited volumes, in Russian):
- A Global World: Emerging Models of Regional and National Development // eds. I.S. Semenenko, N.V. Zagladin, V.V. Lapkin, V.I. Pantin. Moscow, IMEMO RAS, 2014 (editor, author of chapters).
- Political Identity and Identity Politics. Vol.1. Identity in Political Studies. Concepts and categories. Vol.2. Identity and Political Changes in the ХХI century// I.S. Semenenko ed. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2011 - 2012 (editor, author of chapters)
- Corporate Citizenship. Concepts, International Practices and the Russian Case. Moscow, Progress-Traditsiya, 2008 (co-authored, with S. Peregudov);
- Interest Groups in the West and in Russia. Concepts and Practices. Moscow, IMEMO RAS, 2001;
- Interest Groups and the Russian State (co-authored, with S. Peregudov and N. Lapina). Moscow, URSS ed., 1999;
- Chapters in edited volumes and numerous articles in leading Russian academic journals (“POLIS” (Political Studies), “World Economy and International Relations” etc.)
In English:
- Semenenko I. S. The Quest for Identity. Russian Public Opinion on Europe and the European Union and the National Identity Agenda // Perspectives on European Politics and Society. 2013. Vol. 14. No. 1. P. 102-122
- Semenenko I. S. “Political Man” in a Changing World: Rethinking the Individual Dimension of Politics. // Social Sciences/ Quarterly of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2013, № 2. Pp. 61 – 76.
- Peregudov S., Semenenko I. Lobbying Business Interests in Russia. // Democratization. 1996, Vol.2, N.2, pp. 115-139.
- Peregudov S.P., Semenenko I.S. Russia: Post – Communist Interest Group Activity (with). // Research Guide to US and International Interest Groups. (ed. by C.S. Thomas). Westport, Praeger Pub., 2004
Grant and design activity
- Holder of a number of academic research grants of the Russian Research Fund for the Humanities. The latest one (2012 – 2014) is on “The methodology of social and political development analysis and of forecasting social and political change in a modernization context”
- Coordinator for IMEMO of the “FP7. International Research Staff Exchange Scheme; FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES, Grant Agreement № 612619, “European Identity, Cultural Diversity and Political Change” Web page:
- Scientific advisor and coordinator of the Russian expert network on identity research: