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E. A. Sergienko pp. 130-146
Abstract. The paper attempts to substantiate the viability of the construct “behaviour con-trol” — a novel concept that enriches our notion of regulation and self-regulation analyzed from new systemic and subjective grounds. Control of behaviour as the basis for regulation has formed itself in an attempt to validate the integral construct of subject regulation. Behaviour control is a psychological level of behaviour regulation which actualizes individual resources of Man’s mental organization and ensures the balance between internal potentialities and ex-ternal objectives. The hypothesis of behaviour control is compatible with the idea of the unity of cognitive, affective and volitional mental processes. As a result, three components of be-haviour control have been singled out: 1) cognitive control (the ability to anticipate events, ex-tract and organize mental experience, to mentally plan decisions and stimulate performance, and an aptitude for cognitive flexibility and the ability to compare anticipated and factual re-sults; cognitive flexibility); 2) emotional regulation (emotional intensity, emotional instability, activity, the ability to empathize, to understand one’s own emotions and those of the Other); 3) optional (unconditioned) control (the ability to organize actions arbitrarily versus volitional efforts). The comparison between domestic and foreign concepts and approaches to the study of mental regulation of behaviour and activity has shown that the concept “behaviour control” cannot be reduced to the concept “self-regulation” exclusively or to the regulation of mental states and mental activity. Behavior control as a regulatory function of the subject actualizes the individual abilities (resources) of a person in accordance with the purposes and objectives (both external and internal). The research has shown the difference between the concept “be-haviour control” and the similar concept “vitality” where high-level processes of self-regula-tion are accentuated, whereas the former concept underlies them and becomes an individual psychological mechanism of adaptive behavior throughout the subject’s development. A brief verification of this construct in a number of researches is presented. An attempt to substan-tiate an integrative concept that incorporates various aspects of mental organization that are actualized in individual regulation corresponds to the current trends in search of generalizing models of mental regulation as one of the key problems in modern psychology.
Keywords: behaviour control, psychological resources, subject regulation, subject-personality, development of behaviour control, mechanisms, regulation of vital activity